Mass, Capacity, Temperature - Temperature - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
In this engaging and educational worksheet, children are introduced to the concept of temperature and how to measure it using thermometers. The lesson is tailored to meet the National Curriculum objective of choosing and using appropriate standard units to estimate and measure temperature in degrees Centigrade (°C) to the nearest appropriate unit. The resources provided include differentiated sheets and teaching slides to cater to various learning levels. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes 'temperature', 'thermometers', and 'degrees Centigrade', with the symbol 'C' representing the unit of measurement. Students will learn to associate higher temperatures with warmer conditions and apply their numerical skills, such as counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s, to accurately read different scales on thermometers.
The worksheet poses several key questions to stimulate critical thinking about temperature measurement, such as identifying the unit of measurement, understanding the scale increments, and the effects of temperature increase or decrease on the scale reading. Students are encouraged to use comparative vocabulary like 'increased', 'decreased', 'warmer', 'colder', and 'difference' to describe temperature changes. The tasks involve completing thermometers to show specific temperatures, with varying levels of assistance. At the 'fluency and precision' level, all necessary marks are given, and temperatures end in 0 or 5, while at the 'greater depth' level, children must determine the value of each mark on the scale and draw the temperature column accordingly. This exercise not only reinforces their understanding of temperature but also enhances their problem-solving skills.