Mass, Capacity, Temperature - Millilitres - Presentation

Year 2
Mass, Capacity, Temperature - Millilitres - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In today's lesson, students will explore the concept of measuring the volume of liquids, with a focus on using millilitres as the standard unit of measurement. They will start by discussing what types of liquids can be measured in millilitres, enhancing their understanding of practical applications for this unit. The lesson includes a variety of engaging activities, starting with examining different containers labelled in millilitres to determine relative sizes and capacities. Students will question whether 5ml is a large or small amount and compare various containers to identify which holds the most millilitres, fostering their ability to estimate and compare volumes.

Further practical activities involve using a range of containers to fill with water or rice, then pouring these into a measuring cylinder to accurately measure the volume in millilitres. This hands-on approach helps students visualise and understand the concept of volume. They will also practice showing different volumes on a measuring jug, determining the capacity of each container and expressing this in millilitres. Reasoning exercises challenge students to estimate volumes and explain their reasoning, while independent work tasks require them to draw lines on a cylinder to indicate the correct capacity of each container, and calculate the number of spoonfuls of liquid based on a given volume. The lesson concludes with discussions that encourage students to order containers by capacity and observe the scales on cylinders, enhancing their measurement skills.

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