Position and direction - Describing turns - Worksheet

Year 2
Position and direction - Describing turns - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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This worksheet from masterthecurriculum.co.uk is tailored for Year 2 students, focusing on the theme of 'Position and direction - Describing turns' as part of their summer term learning in week 4, day 1. The worksheet begins with the 'Fluent in Four - Revision' section, where students are encouraged to complete stem sentences to describe the movements of certain objects. For example, they are asked to specify how many squares an object has moved and in which direction, such as "The bee has moved 2 squares down." This exercise helps to reinforce their understanding of spatial awareness and direction.

Additionally, the worksheet incorporates mathematical exercises to build numeracy skills. Students complete part-whole models and write corresponding number sentences, such as "Half of 6 equals 3" and "5 is half of 10." Arithmetic problems are also presented for the children to solve, including addition sums like "Thirty-five add fifty-three equals 88" and "5 plus 7 plus 4 equals 16." These activities are designed to strengthen their mental maths and understanding of basic arithmetic operations, as well as the concept of fractions and partitioning numbers into parts and wholes.

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