Position and direction - Describing turns - Planning

Year 2
Position and direction - Describing turns - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the second week of the Summer term, Year 2 students delve into the world of position and direction, learning to describe turns in line with the National Curriculum objectives. The objectives include using mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction, and movement, distinguishing between different types of turns such as full, half, quarter, and three-quarter turns, both clockwise and anti-clockwise. Students also learn to order and arrange objects in patterns and sequences. Key vocabulary for the unit encompasses terms like 'position', 'direction', 'rotate', and specific turns, which are essential in understanding the movement of objects and oneself in space.

The lesson begins with a practical element where children physically demonstrate their understanding of turns, such as full, half, quarter, and three-quarter turns, and the difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise motions. To aid in visualisation, a clock is used to show the direction of a clockwise turn, with the understanding that anti-clockwise is the opposite. The lesson includes a variety of activities, from matching turns to writing down the turns made, and incorporates reasoning exercises where students discuss the direction of turns using objects or images. The lesson is structured to cater to different levels of learning, from describing simple turns to more complex sequences of turns and directions. The plenary encourages self-reflection, asking students what they have learned and understood, the skills they used, and what they found challenging, as well as what they will remember from the lesson.

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