Properties of shape - Count sides and 2D shapes - Starter

Year 2
Properties of shape - Count sides and 2D shapes - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 mathematics lesson focused on properties of shapes and measurement, students are presented with a series of engaging activities to test their understanding and fluency with numbers and shapes. The "Fluent in Four" revision exercise challenges them to complete arithmetic operations, such as finding a number that, when multiplied by five, equals the sum of 12 and 18, or determining what number, when multiplied by two, gives a result of 162. Additionally, the exercise includes a practical application of geometry, asking students to consider which three-dimensional shape can be constructed using six sticks, with the answer being a pyramid.

The lesson continues with an activity that requires students to apply their knowledge of weight to order a set of objects from the heaviest to the lightest, further developing their comparative reasoning skills. To enhance their understanding of numerical relationships, students are also asked to insert the correct symbol to indicate whether one number is greater than or less than another. These exercises are designed to build foundational skills in mathematics, including basic operations, understanding of 3D shapes, and the ability to compare and contrast different quantities and objects, all essential for the Spring Term of Year 2.

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