Multiplication and division - Divide by 5 - Worksheet

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Divide by 5 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The 'Divide by 5' worksheet is a comprehensive resource designed to enhance Year 6 students' fluency and precision in multiplication and division, particularly focusing on the 2, 5, and 10 times tables. It also aims to reinforce the recognition of odd and even numbers. The worksheet provides differentiated sheets and teaching slides to cater to various learning levels, from 'Working Towards' to 'Greater Depth'. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as division, multiplication, grouping, sharing, equals sign, calculation, and pattern. This educational material encourages children to apply their knowledge of the five times table to divide by 5 effectively and to understand the use of the equals sign in different positions within calculations.

Students are presented with engaging problems where they must divide quantities, such as lollipops and bananas, by 5 to find out how many each child or monkey would receive. The worksheet includes a mix of straightforward division calculations and more complex multi-step word problems, as well as comparison statements that require deeper reasoning. For example, children are asked to determine how many bags of marbles they would need for a game based on the number of marbles divided into bags of five. Additionally, the worksheet incorporates problem-solving activities where students use number cards to create multiplication and division sentences, further reinforcing their understanding of dividing by 5 and its relationship to multiplication.

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