Multiplication and division - Add equal groups - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "Add Equal Groups" is designed to enhance fluency and precision in multiplication and division for schoolchildren, adhering to the National Curriculum objective. The objective is to solve problems involving these mathematical operations using various methods such as materials, arrays, repeated addition, and known multiplication and division facts, all within real-life contexts. To facilitate learning, resources like differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and objects to form equal and unequal groups are provided. Key vocabulary terms like 'repeated addition', 'multiplication', 'equal', 'unequal', and 'represent' are introduced to help children understand and express mathematical concepts clearly.
The exercises encourage children to draw connections between equal groups and repeated addition, a foundational skill for understanding multiplication. For example, children who can add three one-digit numbers are now challenged to add up to three equal groups, where each group contains any one-digit number. However, when dealing with more than three equal groups, the worksheet restricts examples to multiples of 2, 3, 5, and 10 for simplicity. The activities include true or false questions, where students must draw and add to substantiate their answers, and problem-solving tasks that require reasoning, such as identifying odd elements out and justifying answers using visual aids or manipulatives. These exercises aim to deepen mathematical understanding and application at various levels of competency, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth in the subject.