Multiplication and division - Divide by 10 - Presentation

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Divide by 10 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the 'Divide by 10' lesson, students are encouraged to apply their understanding of the 10-times table to division problems. The lesson begins with a collaborative task where students in pairs are asked to recall facts from the 10-times table, setting the stage for the division exercises to follow. The practical application of this concept is demonstrated through activities where students calculate how many packs or bags of items can be made when divided into groups of ten. For example, if 30 apples are to be sold in packs of 10, students learn to divide 30 by 10 to find that 3 packs can be made. This concept is further explored through the use of bar models, which visually represent the division of items into groups of ten, helping students to conceptualise and solve the problems more effectively.

Further activities involve monetary examples, such as determining the number of 10p coins in a given amount of money by dividing the total pence by 10. For instance, if one has 70p in 10p coins, dividing 70 by 10 reveals that there are seven 10p coins. This method is reinforced through drawing representations to visually prove the answers. The lesson also includes filling in missing numbers in division equations, such as determining how many groups of 10 are in larger numbers, and reasoning tasks that challenge students to find multiple solutions to problems and to discuss patterns observed when dividing by 10. Throughout the lesson, students are encouraged to discuss and represent problems, understand the relevance of the 10-times table in division, and to identify and explain patterns, such as the correspondence between the tens digit and the quotient when dividing multiples of 10 by 10.

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