Multiplication and division - Divide by 10 - Planning

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Divide by 10 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 2 curriculum focused on multiplication and division, a key lesson is dedicated to teaching children how to divide by 10. The lesson plan includes differentiated activity sheets and teaching slides to cater to various learning needs. The key vocabulary for this lesson encompasses terms like division, multiplication, grouping, sharing, and calculation, which are fundamental to understanding the mathematical concepts being taught. Students are encouraged to use their knowledge of the 10 times table and the principles of grouping and sharing to efficiently solve division problems. The lesson begins with a recap of multiplying by 10 and identifying multiples of 10, setting the stage for learning how to divide by the same number.

During the class, students engage in partner work and activities that promote discussion and the application of learned concepts. For example, they might group objects into tens and write corresponding division sentences, or draw coins to reach a total value, reinforcing their ability to count in tens. The lesson also includes reasoning and problem-solving exercises where students explore patterns and use their times tables to find missing numbers in division calculations. The plenary session allows students to reflect on what they have learned, the skills they have used, and any challenges they faced. The lesson plan outlines different expectations for students, from those working towards understanding to those who are ready for greater depth, with activities ranging from simple visual aids to complex word problems. This structured approach helps ensure that all students can progress in their ability to divide by 10 and understand its relationship to multiplication and grouping.

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