Multiplication and division - The 5 times table - Presentation

Year 2
Multiplication and division - The 5 times table - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In an engaging presentation on the 5 times-table, students are invited to strengthen their fluency and reasoning skills in both multiplication and division. The lesson begins by encouraging students to recall counting in fives through completing a number sequence exercise, starting with numbers such as 5, 10, and 15. The objective is to help pupils become proficient in quickly recalling their five times-tables. The presentation includes a variety of activities that involve practical applications of the 5 times-table, such as determining the total number of petals on flowers when given the number of petals per flower, or calculating the number of snowflakes based on groups of five.

Further activities focus on division, challenging students to reverse the process by figuring out the number of flowers from a total count of petals or the number of hands from a total number of fingers, using the concept that each hand has five fingers. The lesson also introduces comparison symbols, asking students to use less than, greater than, or equal to signs to make mathematical statements correct. For instance, they might compare 2 x 5 with 5 x 2, or 3 x 5 with 5 x 3. Through these exercises, students explore the commutative property of multiplication. Additionally, the lesson includes reasoning tasks that require students to think critically, such as debunking the misconception that all numbers in the 5 times-table are even, and solving problems involving combinations of packs containing different quantities of items.

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