Multiplication and division - The 10 times table - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the second week of Spring term, Year 2 students embark on a journey to master the 10 times table through a series of engaging activities and resources. The lesson plan starts with a recap, ensuring children are comfortable counting in 10s from any number, and emphasizes the significance of zero in multiplication. The lesson's key vocabulary includes terms like multiplication, division, and product, which are essential for understanding the mathematical operations at play. Concrete resources like Base 10 blocks and number lines marked in tens support the visual and tactile learning of numerical patterns.
During the lesson, the class is divided into partner work to encourage collaborative learning and articulate mathematical reasoning in full sentences. Through a trio of activities, students explore the concept of group sizes and numbers of groups in multiplication. They are prompted to write number sentences and identify the product of multiplication. The plenary includes reasoning and problem-solving challenges, where students draw representations of mathematical statements and correct misconceptions. To consolidate learning, students reflect on what they've learned, the skills they've practised, and what they found challenging. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of understanding, from working towards counting in tens to achieving greater depth through word problems that develop problem-solving skills.