Addition and subtraction - Add and subtract 1s - Worksheet

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add and subtract 1s - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

This educational resource provides a worksheet focused on the foundational maths skill of adding and subtracting 1s. Aimed at young learners, the worksheet is structured to enhance fluency and precision in basic arithmetic. It aligns with the National Curriculum objective of using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and other resources such as bead strings to add and subtract numbers. The worksheet is designed to help children recognise patterns when adding or subtracting single digits, preparing them for more complex concepts like finding ten more or ten less. The exercises encourage students to explore addition and subtraction through engaging scenarios involving chicks on a farm, children playing, candles on a birthday cake, trees being chopped down, kites in the sky, and balloons on an invitation.

The worksheet includes a variety of tasks to cater to different learning levels, from those working towards expectations to those ready for greater depth challenges. For instance, students might match statements with pictures, cut out and create their own number sentences, or write stories based on the arithmetic problems provided. Key questions prompt learners to consider the effects of adding numbers and how tools like bead strings can assist in visualising these mathematical concepts. The resource also addresses reasoning and problem-solving skills, presenting true or false questions and word problems that require a deeper understanding of the relationship between distances and the application of addition and subtraction in real-life contexts.

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