Addition and subtraction - Add and subtract 1s - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add and subtract 1s - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second week of Autumn term, Year 2 students delve into the fundamentals of addition and subtraction by learning to add and subtract 1s from two-digit numbers. The lesson is structured to engage children with a variety of resources, such as part-whole models, Base 10 blocks, worksheets, and a presentation. Key vocabulary terms like 'addition', 'subtraction', 'consecutive', and 'ones' set the stage for the lesson's objectives. The class begins with a lively 'Cowboys' game to recap the concept of one more or one less, wherein students quickly respond to prompts, sharpening their mental arithmetic skills. Following this, the children work in pairs to create number stories that represent the addition and subtraction of 1s, 2s, and 3s, using pictorial aids to enhance their understanding.

Practical exercises with Base 10 blocks help students grasp the value of digits in two-digit numbers and the effects of adding or subtracting 1, noting what changes and what remains constant. Stem sentences are used to reinforce the concept, encouraging children to articulate their thought processes. The lesson continues with true/false activities, where students explore number patterns and outcomes of adding to numbers ending in 3. Further activities promote fluency, as children use part-whole models and counters to investigate patterns in numbers. The lesson wraps up with independent work on differentiated worksheets, ensuring that each child is challenged at an appropriate level, from those 'working towards' to those achieving 'greater depth'. Students reflect on the lesson by identifying what they have learned, the skills they've used, and what they found tricky, ensuring they leave the lesson with a firm grasp of the day's learning objectives.

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