Addition and subtraction - Compare number sentences - Worksheet

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Compare number sentences - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The "Compare Number Sentences" worksheet is an educational resource designed to enhance the fluency and precision of primary school children in mathematics, specifically focusing on addition and subtraction within the number range of 20. The worksheet aligns with the National Curriculum objective to solve problems using these operations, encouraging the use of concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mental calculations. It provides differentiated worksheets and teaching slides to cater to various learning levels, from those working towards the expected standard to those capable of greater depth understanding.

Key vocabulary terms such as 'number sentences', 'compare', 'equal to', 'greater than', 'less than', 'patterns', and 'calculation' are highlighted to guide students through the exercise. The activity prompts students to compare number sentences, fill in missing numbers or comparison symbols, and identify patterns without necessarily performing the calculations. This approach helps students understand mathematical relationships and develop problem-solving skills. The worksheet also includes reasoning challenges, where students can explore multiple possible answers and justify their thinking, further deepening their comprehension of number relationships and comparison.

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