Addition and subtraction - Compare number sentences - Presentation

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Compare number sentences - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In an engaging presentation aimed at enhancing mathematical fluency and reasoning, students are invited to compare number sentences. The lesson begins with a fundamental question: What does 'compare' mean? This sets the stage for a discussion about comparison symbols and their use in evaluating the equality or inequality of mathematical expressions. The key activity instructs students to examine different addition and subtraction sentences to determine if they are equivalent, prompting them to use visual representations to prove that two different number sentences can indeed result in the same total, such as showing that 5 + 3 and 4 + 4 both equal 8.

Further activities encourage students to delve deeper into the concept of comparing number sentences. They are asked to fill in circles with the appropriate comparison symbols (<, >, =) without necessarily performing the calculations, fostering a deeper understanding of numerical relationships. For instance, they compare 6 + 4 with 6 + 5 and 11 − 4 with 12 − 5, applying logic to determine the correct symbol. Additionally, the students are challenged to complete missing numbers in given sentences, discovering patterns and predicting subsequent values. These activities not only reinforce their understanding of addition and subtraction but also develop critical thinking and pattern recognition skills.

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