Addition and subtraction - Bonds to 100 tens and ones - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Bonds to 100 tens and ones - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a structured lesson tailored for Year 2 pupils, the focus is on developing their understanding of number bonds to 100, specifically through the lens of tens and ones. The lesson leverages various resources such as multiple of 10 cards, 100 squares, worksheets, and a presentation to facilitate learning. Children begin by completing 'fluent in four' questions to warm up their mathematical thinking. The lesson builds on prior knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20, introducing the concept of exchange to find number bonds to 100. Practical tools like hundred squares, Base 10, and bead strings are employed to enhance the children's grasp of the concept. A 'Make 100' game serves as a partner activity to recap facts to 100, where children use multiples of 10 cards to find complements to 100, reinforcing their understanding of number bonds.

During the lesson, children engage in activities that encourage them to apply their knowledge of number facts to solve new problems. For instance, if 40 squares on a 100 square grid are shaded, they are prompted to determine how many remain unshaded, using related facts they already know. This method is reiterated with different numbers, deepening their comprehension of the relationship between addition and subtraction. An 'odd one out' challenge helps identify any misconceptions, presenting calculations in various formats for the children to analyse. The lesson also includes practical work with Base 10, allowing children to explore creating 100 and understanding the whole-part relationship. By the end of the lesson, the aim is for the children to recall bonds to 100 and apply number facts to 10 in various contexts, with differentiated outcomes for those working towards expected levels and those achieving greater depth.

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