Fractions - Find a half of a quantity activity - Presentation

Year 1
Fractions - Find a half of a quantity activity - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In an engaging lesson designed to teach children how to find one half of a quantity, the concept of fractions is introduced through practical activities. The lesson begins with a discussion encouraging students to think about situations where they might share objects equally, such as sharing marbles or counters. This sets the stage for understanding the concept of finding a half by dividing a group of objects into two equal parts. For example, when presented with six marbles, the students learn that sharing them equally into two groups results in three marbles per group, thus demonstrating that half of six is three. The lesson continues with similar exercises, such as dividing ten counters into two groups of five to establish that half of ten is five.

As the lesson progresses, students are given the opportunity to practice finding halves by themselves. They are asked to share eight, twelve, and even sixteen counters into two equal groups, with each exercise becoming slightly more challenging. To further visualize the concept, an array of butterflies is used, where students count the total number in pairs and then find ways to group them to easily determine one half. The lesson also includes reasoning activities where students evaluate the methods used to find halves, such as when a character named Esin suggests an alternative way to group twelve butterflies. Additionally, the lesson addresses common mistakes, like when Leanna incorrectly assumes half of eighteen is ten, and emphasizes the importance of organizing objects neatly to aid in accurate counting. Students are then encouraged to apply these skills by creating arrays with different numbers and finding their halves, enhancing their understanding of fractions and equal sharing.

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