Fractions - Find a half of a quantity activity - Planning

Year 1
Fractions - Find a half of a quantity activity - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 summer term lesson on fractions, children are introduced to the concept of finding a half of a quantity. The lesson is structured with a small step starter, class teaching input, independent learning, and a concluding plenary. Key vocabulary such as 'fractions', 'half', 'halves', 'whole', 'equal', 'shape', and 'split' are central to the lesson, with resources like worksheets, presentations, counters, and tens frames provided to support learning. The class begins with a discussion on sharing items equally, which helps children relate to the idea of halving in real-life scenarios. They are then encouraged to use tens frames to share a given number of counters into two equal groups, understanding that this process represents finding one half of the quantity.

The lesson progresses with practical activities where children use arrays to visually organize objects, making it easier to identify halves. For example, a two-row array of butterflies aids in counting by twos and understanding that half of the total can be seen as one row. The children are prompted to think about different ways of grouping items to find halves and to use reasoning to work through various scenarios. Advanced students are challenged to create their own arrays with larger numbers and to explore the concept of halving odd numbers, explaining why it might be difficult. Throughout the lesson, key questions guide the children's understanding, and common misconceptions are addressed, such as the importance of accurate counting and sharing. The lesson ends with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where children express what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging, ensuring they remember the key lesson points.

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