Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping - Starter

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 mathematics lesson focusing on multiplication and division, students are introduced to the concept of making equal groups through grouping. The lesson is part of the Summer Term curriculum, specifically Week 4, Day 2. The lesson begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision section, where students are prompted with questions that require them to calculate the number of items needed to fill a given number of containers, as well as to determine how many containers can be filled with a set number of items. Simple subtraction problems are also included to warm up their arithmetic skills, such as finding the difference between 16 and 15, and understanding the concept of halving through subtracting half of fourteen from eleven.

As part of the lesson's practical application, students are asked to help with a real-world scenario: Tia is having a party and has 15 balloons that need to be grouped. The students are tasked with making groups of 5 balloons to assist in the party preparations. Additionally, they practice adding parts together to find the whole, reinforcing their understanding of addition as they combine numbers to reach a total. For example, they are shown that 5 and 3 together make 8, and they are asked to complete similar sums. The lesson also includes a scenario involving filling a fish tank with bottles of water, where students must figure out how many bottles are needed to fill the tank, applying their knowledge of grouping in a practical context.

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