Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping - Presentation

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging and interactive slides, students are introduced to the concept of making equal groups through grouping, a fundamental aspect of multiplication and division. The lesson begins with a discussion on what it means for groups to be equal and whether they need to look the same to be considered equal. Students are encouraged to use resources such as counters or cubes to explore this concept practically. Activities include completing sentences that help solidify their understanding, such as determining how many equal groups of a certain number can be made from a given set of items, like shoes, ducks, jars, or cats. For instance, with 10 shoes, students are guided to realise they can make 5 equal groups of 2 shoes.

Further exercises challenge students to apply their knowledge by using physical counters to make equal groups of different sizes, enhancing their fluency in division and multiplication. They complete sentences such as "I can make ____ equal groups of 2/5/10" with various quantities. The slides also incorporate reasoning tasks, where students compare quantities in different groupings and deduce the number of sweets in a group or the possible outcomes when making groups of a specific size from a range of numbers. Independent work tasks extend the learning, prompting students to use visual representations to form equal groups and complete number sentences. Finally, the lesson encourages discussion about the properties of equal groups, how to represent them, and the implications of dividing numbers into equal groups, fostering a deeper comprehension of the principles behind grouping in mathematics.

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