Addition and subtraction within 10 - Number bonds to ten - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Number bonds to ten - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Autumn Term of Year 1, during Week 6 on Day 5, young learners engage with the concept of addition and subtraction within 10, focusing on mastering number bonds to ten. The lesson starts with a "Fluent in Four - Revision" exercise, where children use 10 counters as a practical resource to aid their understanding of the numbers that combine to make ten. This hands-on approach is designed to reinforce their numerical fluency in a fun and interactive way.

The activities include a series of engaging questions, such as finding the total number of bananas by adding numbers together, for example, '4 + 4'. Students are also prompted to continue a given number pattern and use ten frames to fill in the missing numbers that complete the number bonds to ten. By using the counters, children are encouraged to perform simple calculations, such as finding half of 8 and then adding it to half of 4. Additional exercises require the students to determine the missing numbers in equations like '4 + _____ = 10' and '_____ + _____ + _____ = 10', helping them to visualise and understand the relationships between numbers within the context of ten.

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