Addition and subtraction within 10 - Comparing statements 2 - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Comparing statements 2 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In today's lesson, Lesson 24, students will delve deeper into comparing numerical expressions by using inequality symbols, building upon the knowledge acquired in the previous session. The lesson starts by revisiting the symbols used to compare numbers, such as less than (<), equal to (=), and greater than (>). The initial discussion prompts students to think about whether it's always necessary to solve calculations before making comparisons. With a series of examples presented on slides, students are encouraged to use their understanding of addition and subtraction within 10 to compare different mathematical statements and determine the correct inequality symbol to place between them.

As the lesson progresses, students engage in various activities that challenge them to compare and prove equality or inequality between numerical expressions. For instance, in one activity, students are asked to consider a scenario where two characters, Rosie and Tia, have different amounts of sweets and consume some, ending up with the same quantity. Students are invited to draw representations to help them complete the corresponding number sentences. In another reasoning task, they evaluate a statement made by a character named Malachi, who compares two addition sentences, and students must decide if he is correct and explain their reasoning. The lesson also includes independent work where students use visual aids like cubes and digit cards to compare statements and explore the different possibilities of completing them correctly.

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