Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects activity - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects activity - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In Lesson 2 of a mathematics unit focused on addition and subtraction within 10, students delve into the concept of parts and wholes using engaging activities. The lesson encourages children to explore how a single object can be split into different parts, leading to an understanding of how these parts come together to form a whole. The initial part of the lesson prompts a discussion on what constitutes a part and a whole, setting the stage for hands-on learning. The students are provided with number shapes and counters to make various parts, fostering their fluency and reasoning skills in a practical setting.

As the lesson progresses, the activity becomes more interactive. Students are challenged to build as many different parts as possible from the given resources, stimulating their creativity and problem-solving abilities. In the second activity, they are presented with counters and tasked with dividing them into two parts, reinforcing the concept of part-whole relationships. This visual and tactile approach aids in cementing the students' understanding of basic addition and subtraction. The lesson concludes with independent work where students use number shapes to create two matching parts and then use counters to form different groups, drawing one of their configurations. This independent task allows for consolidation of the concepts taught and provides an opportunity for the teacher to assess understanding.

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