Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects activity - Planning

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects activity - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the initial stages of Year 1, students delve into the foundational concepts of addition and subtraction within 10 through the exploration of parts and wholes using single objects. The lesson is hands-on, utilising tangible resources such as number shapes, counters, and small objects like marbles, cubes, or pom poms to create a tactile learning experience. Key vocabulary introduced includes 'whole', 'parts', and 'groups'. The lesson begins with a review of previous knowledge, prompting children to recall what constitutes a part and a whole, and to identify examples within their environment. This sets the stage for the main activity where children work in groups, manipulating number shapes to visualise and construct different parts that combine to form a whole.

As the lesson progresses, students are encouraged to think critically about how to simplify the task, such as overlaying shapes to identify the missing parts needed to complete a whole. They engage in activities to find different parts that sum up to 10, using counters for a more concrete representation. Independent learning is facilitated with a worksheet that serves as a guide, ensuring students can mark off their achievements. The plenary involves a reflective 'Give me five' exercise, where students evaluate what they've learned, the skills they've used, the challenges they faced, and the resources that aided their learning. The lesson caters to varying levels of understanding, from those working towards the expected level to those capable of greater depth, who are challenged to find multiple parts and articulate their reasoning behind the combinations they create.

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