Adding Mixed Numbers - PowerPoint

Year 6
Adding Mixed Numbers - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a comprehensive Year 6 mathematics resource, students are taught how to adeptly add mixed numbers using two distinct methods. Initially, the lesson revisits the foundational concepts of mixed numbers and improper fractions. A mixed number is explained as a combination of a whole number and a fraction, such as one and three-quarters, while an improper fraction is defined as having a numerator larger than the denominator, like seven quarters. The resource then guides students through the process of converting mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice versa, using clear examples and bar models for visual support.

The lesson continues with practical exercises where students apply the two methods for adding mixed numbers. The first method involves adding the whole numbers separately from the fractions, while the second method requires converting the mixed numbers into improper fractions before adding. Each step is clearly demonstrated, and students are encouraged to discuss the calculations with their partners. The resource also includes worksheets with a variety of problems, including word problems and calculations that require finding equivalent fractions with common denominators. The aim is to ensure that students not only learn the techniques for adding mixed numbers but also understand the underlying mathematical principles.

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