Rounding Whole Numbers - Worksheet

Year 6
Rounding Whole Numbers - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This worksheet is designed to teach students the concept of rounding whole numbers to various place values. The exercise begins by asking students to round numbers to the nearest 10, introducing them to the basic principles of rounding. As the worksheet progresses, the numbers increase in complexity, and students are challenged to round to the nearest 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, and even up to the nearest million. This gradual increase in difficulty allows for a comprehensive understanding of how to handle larger numbers and the significance of each digit's place value in the rounding process.

Additionally, the worksheet includes a collaborative activity where students work with a partner using a set of digit cards numbered 0-9. After shuffling these cards, they draw seven to create a seven-digit number and place them in a provided grid that represents millions (M), hundred thousands (H Th), ten thousands (T Th), thousands (Th), hundreds (H), tens (T), and ones (O). Students are instructed to write down the generated number and then create four more seven-digit numbers using the same cards. These numbers are then rounded to the nearest 10,000, 100,000, and million, with an example provided to guide them. This hands-on activity not only reinforces the concept of rounding but also encourages collaborative learning and the practical application of maths skills.

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