Rounding Whole Numbers - PowerPoint

Year 6
Rounding Whole Numbers - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this educational resource, Year 6 students are introduced to the concept of rounding whole numbers to various place values, including the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, and even one million. The lesson begins with a clear explanation of the rules for rounding numbers. Students learn to identify the 'rounding digit' in the place they are rounding to and the 'decider digit' immediately to its right. The decider digit determines whether the rounding digit stays the same or increases by one. For instance, if the decider digit is less than five, the number is rounded down, and if it is five or more, the number is rounded up. This rule is applied consistently across different place values to ensure students gain a comprehensive understanding of the rounding process.

Following the explanation of the rules, the resource provides practical examples, reinforcing the concept through visual aids. Students are shown how to round numbers like 2597 to the nearest thousand, which would result in 3000, as the decider digit (9) is greater than five. The resource includes worksheets and exercises where students can apply these rules to a variety of numbers, practicing rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, and so on. Additionally, the material includes a 'Big Number Rounding Challenge' where students can create and round seven-digit numbers, further engaging them in the learning process and helping to solidify their understanding of rounding large numbers.

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