Divide whole numbers using efficient methods

Year 6
Divide whole numbers using efficient methods
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths

Maths Resource Description

AI generated

The ArithmeKit from Buzzard Publishing offers an array of exercises designed to enhance students' proficiency in dividing whole numbers using efficient methods. The kit categorises problems into those best solved by mental calculations and those requiring written methods. For instance, dividing 4632 by 4 or 4800 by 40 could be tackled mentally, while more complex divisions like 1000 by 19 or 3409 by 23 might necessitate a written approach. The exercises encourage students to discern the most effective strategy for different types of division problems, thereby improving their mathematical agility and understanding.

Further exercises in the ArithmeKit involve dividing numbers by 25 using formal written methods, with examples such as 1575, 1350, 2175, and 1975. Students are then asked to calculate these numbers divided by 100 and multiplied by 4, prompting them to notice patterns and connections between the operations. The kit also challenges students with problems that involve negative numbers, ordering numbers up to 10 million, and rounding to a specified accuracy. Through these varied tasks, learners develop a deeper comprehension of number operations and the efficiency of different calculation methods.