Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Converting between units of measurement

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Converting between units of measurement
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths' curriculum for Year 6, students are challenged to convert between different units of measurement. One of the exercises involves converting the mass of a bag of oranges from grams to kilograms. Students learn that to perform this conversion, they need to divide the mass in grams by 1,000, because there are 1,000 grams in a kilogram. For example, a bag of oranges weighing 4,506 grams, when divided by 1,000, gives a mass in kilograms. This is a practical application of division in the context of weight measurement.

Another task asks students to express the length of a road in both kilometres and metres. To do this, they separate the length into its whole number and decimal parts. The whole number represents kilometres, and the decimal part, when multiplied by 1,000, converts to metres, since 1 kilometre equals 1,000 metres. For instance, a road that is 2.07 kilometres long can be written as a sum of its whole number part and a decimal part multiplied by 1,000 to find the total length in kilometres and metres. Additionally, students practice converting volume from millilitres to litres. They learn that dividing the volume in millilitres by 1,000 gives the volume in litres, as there are 1,000 millilitres in a litre. For example, a container with 10,539 millilitres of water, when divided by 1,000, results in the volume being expressed in litres.