Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Mental multiplication

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Mental multiplication
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 6 practice exercises, students are encouraged to sharpen their mental arithmetic skills through a series of multiplication and division tasks. The first activity challenges pupils to double a set of numbers, ranging from simpler ones such as 12 and 33 to larger figures like 220 and 410. This exercise aims to improve their ability to quickly compute sums in their heads, a fundamental skill in mathematics.

Following the initial task, students are prompted to mentally halve a new set of numbers, which includes values like 160, 180, and up to 500. This helps them to practice quick division by two. The subsequent exercises require pupils to multiply given numbers by 4, 5, and 20. These tasks are designed to enhance their mental calculation abilities, with numbers such as 11, 15, and 26 being multiplied by these factors. The series of exercises progresses in difficulty, ensuring that the students are continually challenged and able to apply their multiplication skills in various contexts. For further practice and to consolidate their learning, students are directed to workbook pages 81 to 83.