Are our grandparents really old? - Continuous Provision

Are our grandparents really old? - Continuous Provision
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Exploring the concept of age and history through play, the Continuous Provision encourages children to delve into the world of their grandparents' childhoods. A collection of vintage toys is made available for the children to play with, providing a tactile and interactive experience. This not only serves as an engaging activity but also as a window into the past, allowing children to compare and contrast the playthings of different generations. The provision includes an area where both old and new toys are displayed side by side, sparking curiosity and discussion among the young learners. Children are given the opportunity to share their experiences with these toys, discussing their favourites and reflecting on what makes certain toys appealing despite their age.

The theme of family and age is further explored through creative activities where children draw their family members and create lolly stick puppets for imaginative play. This can lead to small world adventures, drawing inspiration from stories like 'We’re Going on a Bear Hunt'. The role-play area is enhanced with props and decorations for family celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, and christenings, allowing children to re-enact and understand family traditions and gatherings. By incorporating personal family photographs into the home corner, the provision fosters a sense of familiarity and prompts conversations about family relationships and the concept of age, including the respectful inquiry, "Are our grandparents really old?"