How have families changed over the years? - Lesson 2

How have families changed over the years? - Lesson 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The concept of a family tree is a central theme in Lesson 2, where children explore the structure and history of their own families. The lesson begins with a practical activity where children work together to build a family tree. To provide a clear example, they first construct a family tree for a member of staff, learning how to trace and represent family relationships visually. Children are encouraged to gather photographs of their relatives, including parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunties, and cousins, to create a personalized and illustrative family tree. Upon completion, children have the opportunity to share and present their family trees to their peers, fostering a sense of pride and connection to their heritage.

Additionally, the lesson delves into the significance of family by prompting children to discuss why their family is important to them. They reflect on the various roles and contributions of family members, acknowledging both the visible and invisible ways in which their families support them, such as providing daily care, emotional support, and financial stability. To celebrate and showcase their understanding, children create drawings, paintings, and written work that depict how their families assist them in their daily lives. This creative output culminates in an exhibition titled ‘What my family does for me’, where key family members are invited to view the children's heartfelt expressions of gratitude and recognition of their family's role in their lives. This lesson offers an intimate look at the changing dynamics of families over time, highlighting the evolving nature of familial bonds and responsibilities.