How have families changed over the years? - Lesson 1

How have families changed over the years? - Lesson 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The dynamics and structures of families have evolved significantly over time, and this is a key concept explored in the lesson titled "How have families changed over the years?" The lesson opens with an interactive activity where children are encouraged to bring photographs of those who reside in their homes, sparking a discussion about the various compositions of families. Two children's books, 'Our House' and 'Families, Families, Families', are read to further illustrate the diversity of family units and the special connections within them. The children are then prompted to share stories about a significant family member and to express their gratitude through writing a thank you note, with support tailored to their individual needs.

Moving on to the topic of play and toys across generations, children are asked to exhibit their favourite toys and compare them with the toys their parents and grandparents played with, facilitated by photographs or actual toys brought in by older relatives. A visit from an elder family member provides an opportunity for children to engage with the past through shared memories and tangible items, such as a cherished toy. The lesson also prompts children to contemplate the differences in lifestyle between their own childhood and that of their parents, using family photographs of past celebrations and events to anchor these reflections. Discussions are enriched with the use of past tense language to help children understand the concept of time and change. The lesson is designed to be conducted in small, focused groups, allowing for more intimate and detailed exploration of how family life has transformed over the years.