Understanding discrimination

Year 2
Understanding discrimination
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

Understanding the concept of discrimination is an essential part of children's education, and a practical exercise can be an effective way to illustrate its impact. Begin by arbitrarily selecting a group of children based on a superficial characteristic, such as those wearing brown shoes or those with blonde hair. Once the group is chosen, treat these children more favourably compared to their peers. This could involve giving them new pencils or sweets to take home, coupled with an abundance of praise for any of their actions, no matter how small. Conversely, refrain from praising the other children. Allow this preferential treatment to continue for a period that you deem appropriate.

After the exercise, it's crucial to discuss with the class what transpired. Explain the purpose behind the actions taken and engage with the children about their observations and feelings. Ask them if they noticed the differential treatment, how each group felt, and whether they think it was fair. Encourage the children to express their emotions and thoughts in writing. This exercise sets the stage for a broader conversation about famous individuals who have made significant contributions towards creating a fairer world. By reflecting on these figures, children can better understand the importance of equality and the role that each person can play in challenging discrimination.