Who do we associate with making a significant contribution to making the world a fairer place? - Presentation

Year 2
Who do we associate with making a significant contribution to making the world a fairer place? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
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As part of the History Key Stage 1 curriculum, pupils are introduced to significant individuals who have left a lasting impact on our world, making it a fairer place. The curriculum encompasses the lives and achievements of such individuals, both nationally and internationally, and encourages comparisons between different historical periods. Pupils gain substantive knowledge about people who have championed the rights of black individuals and women, as well as those who risked their own safety for the greater good. They also explore famous historical events that continue to be discussed today. This foundational knowledge enables students to understand how past actions have shaped our current lives and society.

The curriculum for Year 2 delves deeper into the lives of these famous figures and the significant events they were involved in. Students learn about the importance of chronology and causation, and they develop skills in historical enquiry and interpretation. They are taught to appreciate the differences between past and present and to understand the concept of fame and its relation to historical significance. Through a variety of learning activities, including discussions about discrimination and fairness, students are encouraged to think critically about the past. Key figures such as Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa are highlighted as examples of individuals who have fought for equality and justice, leaving an indelible mark on history.