Who do we associate with making a significant contribution to making the world a fairer place? - Teacher notes

Year 2
Who do we associate with making a significant contribution to making the world a fairer place? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The unit opens with an exploration of discrimination, acknowledging the countless individuals who have devoted their lives to combating various forms of inequality. Through this educational journey, children will delve into the concept of discrimination, uncovering its multifaceted nature and the numerous types it can take. To facilitate a more profound understanding, students will initially engage in an activity designed to simulate the experience of discrimination within the safe confines of their classroom environment. This first-hand encounter aims to foster empathy and a deeper comprehension of the topic.

Following this experiential learning, the students will be directed to watch two online videos that provide further insight into the nature of discrimination. These visual resources are intended to supplement their learning by illustrating real-world examples of discrimination and its impact. The subsequent discussions will pivot to the theme of 'famous' individuals, prompting pupils to reflect on historical figures renowned for their efforts. Working collaboratively in small groups, the students will gather and analyze information about these notable personalities, focusing on those who have made a lasting impact towards creating a more equitable world. The aim is to identify and celebrate those who have made significant contributions to the advancement of fairness and justice in society.