What food would our grandparents have eaten? - Teacher notes

Year 1
What food would our grandparents have eaten? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In exploring the dietary history of our grandparents, teachers are encouraged to initiate a conversation about the eating habits of their students and compare them with the past. The discussion should include the concept of 'fast-food' as we know it today, such as burgers, pizzas, kebabs, and the quintessentially British fish and chips. It's noteworthy that the first McDonald's establishment in the UK didn't open until 1974, meaning many grandparents wouldn't have had McDonald's during their youth. However, there were other fast-food options before McDonald's, like Wimpey, which some grandparents might remember frequenting.

One staple of UK culinary tradition that most grandparents would have experienced is the Sunday lunch at home. This significant meal typically featured roast meat—commonly beef, lamb, or pork, as chicken was not as prevalent back then—accompanied by potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. This tradition reflects a time before the proliferation of supermarkets, which started to emerge, challenging the dominance of corner shops. Unlike today, there was no possibility of ordering groceries online, which meant that food shopping was a more local and personal experience.