Progression pedagogy - British Empire - Year 6

Year 6
Progression pedagogy - British Empire - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The progression pedagogy for the unit on the British Empire in Year 6 aims to provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of the historical context and significance of the British Empire. This educational journey begins with establishing the timeline and reasons behind the creation of the British Empire, exploring its global impact and the complex legacy it left behind. The unit is structured to maximise pupils' retention and comprehension through a systematic approach known as 'link it, learn it, check it, show it, and know it', which is a part of the 'Five stages of learning and remembering' methodology.

At the outset of the unit, 'Before the learning', students make connections with any prior knowledge or related topics they have encountered, setting the stage for new information. 'During the learning', they delve into the content, with educators providing the narrative and framework for understanding the empire's formation and expansion. 'At the end of the learning', students engage in activities that allow them to demonstrate their grasp of the subject matter, reinforcing their knowledge. Finally, 'After the learning', pupils reflect on what they have learned, ensuring that the key facts and concepts about the British Empire are firmly embedded in their long-term memory. This structured approach ensures that students not only learn historical facts but also develop a deeper understanding of the British Empire's role in shaping the modern world.