Link it! Prior knowledge - History of Manchester - Year 4

Year 4
Link it! Prior knowledge - History of Manchester - Year 4
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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When embarking on a journey through the history of Manchester with Year 4 pupils, it's essential to begin by tapping into what they already know about this vibrant city. The exploration of prior knowledge serves as a foundation for the new learning to come. Students might share their connections to Manchester, perhaps through the city's renowned sports teams or personal visits to its various landmarks. Some children might recall learning about famous Mancunians in earlier Key Stage 1 lessons. This initial discussion allows pupils to record their current understanding in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser, setting the stage for deeper inquiry into how Manchester evolved into one of the UK's leading cities.

The 'LINK IT!' section of the lesson plan encourages pupils to make connections between their existing knowledge and new information. By drawing links within the subject of history, they can build a coherent picture of Manchester's past. Cross-curricular connections might also be made, for example, by relating Manchester's industrial heritage to science and technology. Personal experiences shared by the pupils add a unique perspective, enriching the learning experience for the entire class. This multifaceted approach, promoted by Focus Education, ensures that the historical study of Manchester is not only informative but also resonates with the pupils on multiple levels.