The Last Bear - Session 3 - My Thoughts

Year 5
The Last Bear - Session 3 - My Thoughts
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In the third session of "The Last Bear", students are prompted to delve into the character April's dilemma as she discovers a polar bear with plastic painfully entangled around its paw. This situation serves as a critical moment in the story, propelling students to consider the moral implications and potential dangers of intervening in the natural world. They are encouraged to express their thoughts through speech bubbles, providing a space for reflection and articulation of their reasoning. This activity not only fosters empathy and environmental awareness but also challenges students to think critically about the appropriate course of action when faced with wildlife in distress.

The exercise is designed to stimulate discussion and debate within the classroom, prompting students to weigh the risks against the moral imperative to assist an animal in need. By explaining their answers in the speech bubbles, students practice constructing well-thought-out arguments and consider the perspectives of the characters involved. This task is not only about making a decision but also about justifying it, which helps to develop their analytical and communication skills. It's an opportunity for students to engage with the narrative on a deeper level and explore the themes of conservation and responsibility that are central to "The Last Bear".