The Last Bear - Session 3 - Worksheet

Year 5
The Last Bear - Session 3 - Worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Session 3 of "The Last Bear" worksheet, students delve into Chapters 5 and 6 with a series of discussion questions that encourage them to consider April's motivations for seeking out the polar bear on her own, her curiosity about the noises she hears, and the ethical dilemma of whether she should assist the polar bear. These questions are designed to engage students with the text at a deeper level and align with specific reading standards (RS3, RS4, and RS5).

The session also includes a variety of reading activities that aim to enhance comprehension and engagement with the story. Students are tasked with creating a timeline to track events, using a map of Northern Europe to pinpoint important locations, and expressing their thoughts on April's decisions regarding the polar bear. The worksheet further enriches learning with a grammar and punctuation section, where students hunt for examples of expanded noun phrases, direct speech, conjunctions, and possessive apostrophes within the text. Additionally, a 'Words to Workshop' activity helps students to explore and understand a list of vocabulary that ranges from 'rhythm' to 'frustration'. Writing opportunities provided in the worksheet encourage creativity and application of knowledge, with tasks such as creating a timetable of school work, writing instructions on how to hunt for a polar bear, and crafting a newspaper report on the effects of plastic on animals. The session is rounded off with cross-curricular links that span a range of subjects, including science, computing, history, geography, art, design and technology, music, physical education, religious education, and personal, social, health, and economic education, offering a holistic approach to learning that connects the themes of the book to wider educational objectives.