The Iron Man - Chapter 5 - Reading Comprehension answers

Year 3
The Iron Man - Chapter 5 - Reading Comprehension answers
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 5 of "The Iron Man," the Iron Man is transported to Australia by being dismantled and flown there. The Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon, confident in its size and perceived strength, is initially pleased to accept the Iron Man's challenge. However, the Iron Man, unphased by the heat and smiling while glowing red-hot, knows his metallic composition can withstand extreme temperatures. The term 'wizened' is used to describe something that is shrivelled or wrinkled. The Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon is horrified at the prospect of enduring the sun's fire again, having already suffered damage, and ultimately refuses a third trial. The chapter concludes with the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon's song, which miraculously brings peace to the world.