The Falcon's Malteser - Session 12 - Prediction

Year 5
The Falcon's Malteser - Session 12 - Prediction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In session 12 of "The Falcon's Malteser," a pivotal moment unfolds as the character Nick visits the iconic Selfridges store. During this visit, Nick experiences a revelation, an important insight that previously dawned on Johnny Naples. While the specific nature of this realisation is not disclosed in the text provided, it suggests a turning point in the narrative that could be crucial to the unfolding story. This session likely sets the stage for students to engage with the text by making predictions. They are encouraged to hypothesize what Nick has discovered, mirroring the realisation of Johnny Naples, and consider the implications this could have on the plot's progression.

The activity is designed to stimulate the students' critical thinking and imagination, prompting them to draw on the story's context and clues to forecast future events. By filling in their name and sharing their predictions, students actively participate in the reading process, becoming detectives themselves as they piece together the mystery. This predictive exercise not only enhances their engagement with the story but also develops their inferential comprehension skills, as they must infer the significance of the shared understanding between Nick and Johnny Naples based on the information they have gathered from previous sessions.