The Falcon's Malteser - Session 12 - Chapter 14 & 15 - Worksheet

Year 5
The Falcon's Malteser - Session 12 - Chapter 14 & 15 - Worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Session 12 of the learning plan, students delve into Chapters 14 and 15 of "The Falcon's Malteser," focusing on the escape of Nick and Lauren Bacardi and the significance of the chapters' titles and settings. The session includes engaging discussion questions that encourage students to think critically about the characters' actions and the plot's development. To deepen their understanding of the narrative, students continue to update a timeline of events and use a central London map to follow the characters' movements.

Alongside these reading activities, the session offers opportunities for character analysis, specifically continuing the examination of Lauren Bacardi's traits and motivations. Predictive exercises challenge students to guess future plot twists, while reading comprehension tasks ensure they grasp the details of the story. The session also incorporates a 'Grammar Hunt' to identify modal verbs, expanded noun phrases, prepositions, and punctuation for parenthesis. A 'Words to Workshop' section helps expand their vocabulary with a variety of words ranging from 'direct' to 'soothingly'. Writing opportunities allow students to creatively express their understanding through evidence boards, diary entries, and posters, while cross-curricular links connect the themes of the book with subjects like science, computing, history, geography, art, music, physical education, religious education, and personal, social, health, and economic education (PSHE), providing a comprehensive, interdisciplinary learning experience.