The Falcon's Malteser - Session 1 - Chapter 1 & 2 - Worksheet
English Resource Description
In the initial session covering chapters 1 and 2 of "The Falcon's Malteser," students delve into the mystery with discussion questions that explore narrative perspective, specifically why the story is told from the viewpoint of the younger Diamond brother. The enigmatic character Johnny Naples is scrutinised for suspicious behaviour, and students are prompted to speculate on the contents of a mysterious package central to the plot. These discussions are aimed at developing students' reasoning and inference skills.
Reading activities for the session include creating a timeline to follow the unfolding events and using a central London map to trace the characters' movements, enhancing geographical skills. A detailed character analysis of Johnny Naples and predictions about the package's contents encourage deeper engagement with the text. Students also work on comprehension exercises, grammar and punctuation with a focus on aspects such as hyphens, subject-verb agreement, and direct speech. The session further includes a 'Words to Workshop' activity that encourages vocabulary expansion with words ranging from 'slack' to 'catastrophe'. Writing opportunities allow students to creatively express their understanding of the story by drafting a letter from Johnny Naples or composing a diary entry in his voice, as well as creating an advertisement for a cleaning lady.