The Falcon's Malteser - Session 1 - Character Analysis Johnny Naples

Year 5
The Falcon's Malteser - Session 1 - Character Analysis Johnny Naples
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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The first session of "The Falcon's Malteser" is dedicated to an in-depth character analysis of Johnny Naples. In this reading activity, students delve into the text to extract words and phrases that paint a vivid portrait of Johnny Naples' physical appearance. This exploration encourages students to engage with the text on a deeper level, picking out descriptive language that helps them visualise the character in detail. They are not only looking at how the author has physically shaped the character but also at how he is portrayed through his actions and dialogue.

Furthering their understanding of Johnny Naples, students analyse how he communicates and conducts himself, which provides insights into his behaviour. This part of the activity prompts students to consider the nuances of Johnny's personality as conveyed through his interactions and mannerisms within the story. To consolidate their comprehension, students are tasked with translating the textual descriptions into their own artistic interpretation by drawing Johnny Naples. They are also encouraged to synthesise the information gathered to describe Johnny Naples' personality in their own words, fostering a deeper connection with the character and enhancing their analytical skills.