The Explorer - Session 22 - Word Workshop

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 22 - Word Workshop
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

AI generated

The word 'vow' functions as a noun or verb in English, representing a solemn promise or the act of making such a promise. In a sentence, one might say, "She made a vow to her friend to always be truthful." When modifying the word, one could create the past tense 'vowed' or the noun 'vowels' for the plural. Synonyms for 'vow' include 'pledge' and 'oath', while antonyms would be 'break' or 'retract' when considering the verb form.

'Permanent' is an adjective that describes something lasting or intended to last indefinitely without change. In use, one might state, "The sculpture was installed as a permanent exhibit in the gallery." Modifications can include adding the prefix 'non-' to form 'nonpermanent', suggesting a temporary state, or the noun 'permanence' to express the quality of being permanent. Synonyms for 'permanent' include 'enduring' and 'immutable', with antonyms such as 'temporary' and 'transient'.

The term 'aloft' is an adverb or adjective, used to describe something that is up in the air or at a great height. For example, "The balloons were held aloft by the gentle breeze." To modify 'aloft', one might use 'aloftness' to turn it into a noun, though this is less common. Synonyms that convey a similar meaning include 'upward' and 'high', while antonyms could be 'grounded' or 'below'.

'Victory' serves as a noun, signifying the act of defeating an opponent or the success in a struggle or endeavor. An illustrative sentence could be, "The team celebrated their victory after a challenging match." One could modify the word to 'victories' to denote the plural form, or use 'victorious' as an adjective. Synonyms for 'victory' include 'triumph' and 'win', whereas antonyms are 'defeat' and 'loss'.

'Tactfully' is an adverb describing the action of dealing with sensitive matters in a considerate or skillful manner. In context, "She addressed the delicate issue tactfully, ensuring no one was offended." The word can be modified to 'tactful' to serve as an adjective, or 'tactfulness' as a noun. Synonyms for 'tactfully' might be 'diplomatically' or 'discreetly', with antonyms including 'insensitively' or 'indiscreetly'.

'Solemnly' is an adverb that conveys a serious, grave, or earnest manner, often used in formal declarations or ceremonies. An example sentence is, "He solemnly swore to tell the truth in court." The adjective form is 'solemn', and 'solemnness' or 'solemnity' can be the noun forms. Synonyms include 'gravely' and 'seriously', while antonyms could be 'casually' or 'frivolously'.