The Explorer - Session 18 - Word Workshop

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 18 - Word Workshop
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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The "Word Workshop" is an educational tool designed for students to deepen their understanding of various words. For each word, students are expected to explore its meaning and then use it in a sentence to contextualize their understanding. The exercise also encourages linguistic creativity by asking students to modify the word through the use of prefixes, suffixes, changing its number or tense. Additionally, students are tasked with identifying synonyms—words with similar meanings—and antonyms—words with opposite meanings—to each given word, which further enhances their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Words such as 'guilt', 'vivid', 'squirm', 'humiliation', and 'habitual' are among the many terms explored in the workshop. For each term, students must determine its word class, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc., and think critically about how its use can vary in different contexts. This approach not only allows students to grasp the nuances of the English language but also equips them with the ability to express themselves more accurately and effectively. The workshop format is an engaging way for students to interact with language, promoting a more thorough and active learning experience.