The Explorer - Session 8 - Reading Comprehension

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 8 - Reading Comprehension
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In "The Explorer" reading comprehension session titled 'Maiden Voyage', students delve into the dynamics between characters and their evolving attitudes during a pivotal moment of their adventure. One of the questions explores why Lila initially believes Fred to be deceased, requiring students to infer from the text. Another question probes into the subtleties of the narrative to discern how the writer conveys Con's lack of enthusiasm towards the raft. The comprehension session further investigates the reasons behind Con's reluctance to accept Fred's assistance, as well as the shift in her demeanour as the story unfolds.

The session also encourages students to interpret figurative language, asking them to explain the meaning behind the phrase 'touch-me-not look'. In another instance, they are asked to consider Fred's motivations for diving into the river, and to understand the significance of a seemingly inconsequential sardine tin within the context of the story. To consolidate their understanding, students are challenged to succinctly summarise 'Maiden Voyage' in no more than 50 words, capturing the essence of the narrative and demonstrating their comprehension of the text's key points.