The Explorer - Session 8 - Reading Comprehension suggested answers

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 8 - Reading Comprehension suggested answers
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

AI generated

The "Maiden Voyage" reading comprehension exercise, part of "The Explorer" session, involves students answering questions to demonstrate their understanding of the text. Lila initially thinks Fred is dead because he's absent from the den upon her awakening. Con's sarcasm, such as questioning the need for applause or stating the obvious buoyancy of wood, reveals her unimpressed view of the raft. Despite Fred's offer of assistance, Con's independence leads her to refuse his hand when boarding the raft. However, Con's attitude shifts when she realizes her photographic memory is valuable to the group, making her an important member.

Con's 'touch-me-not look' suggests that she wants to maintain a distance and appear unapproachable to the others. When Con notices something shiny in the river, Fred's quick decision to dive in stems from the possibility that it could be a useful knife for their survival. The discovery of a sardine tin is significant as it indicates that others have been in the area, raising the possibility that they might still be nearby. A concise summary of "Maiden Voyage" is requested, encapsulating the key points in no more than 50 words.